Saturday, June 03, 2006

Images from LA

As I prepped for Friday's show, I hung out in my host Bob's garden and shot some photos. So many humming birds shot past me, I wish I could catch them with my camera. I love this one fountain in the garden; the sweetest little birds come and drink out of it.

My first day here I bought a shirt with cool graphics. (see below)

For all the cool spaces I experience when I travel, nothing compares with the wise, funny and amazing people I meet on the road. Below I have a photo of Regan DuCasse that I took moments before my show. She is a wonder (and she thought my British vicar character was very sexy).

I got to see a bunch of guys from GCN. I didn't get a photo (curses!) but someone did, so hopefully I can pull it from the GCN site when it is up.


At 6:48 AM , Blogger SoulPony said...

All your characters have some kind of sexiness. When I think about your show in my head and the different characters in it, my mind actually tricks me into thinking the people are all different though the faces are of the same person. It's like knowing a lot of people, all different but with similar faces. My explanation is so lacking in the ability to convey my meaning. I can't even explain the exact effect it has. Someone help with this, you all know what I'm talking about.

At 10:16 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Now if only my characters would be so kind as to generously share their sexiness and appeal with ME.

I'm doing the whole madness right now and you have no idea how much I want to go on a first date as my Texan character or my British vicar.

At 1:54 PM , Blogger SoulPony said...

Funny. You can do that though but you might get a lot of odd looks if you take them out in public. You'll have to have a quiet evening in.

At 7:25 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Now Tonya, I wouldn't take them all out at once. Just one at a time. Although it would be wild if I did a little of each one every few minutes (particularly if the date starts to sour)

At 12:31 AM , Blogger Christine Bakke said...

I love seeing all these pics - especially being able to put a (gorgeous!!!) face with the name Reagan! :)

At 12:24 PM , Blogger grantdale said...

Hey, we're very happy to finally see Regan's mug shot too!

And sorry dear, but you don't need makeup.
You look fab :)

(Next time get a matching photo with Peterson and HIS blue headscarf!)


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